Monday, September 7, 2009

Finally got it!!!

I've been working on my atmospheric effects in Bryce 5.5 lately. I think I've finally gotten the clouds right! :D
See for yourself. ^^

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Pope and Pikes

I got a game called Civilization IV the other day. So I was just playing through a interesting little scenario/mod that dealt with the formation of the Holy Roman empire. As I was trying to form said empire, i was staying on the popes good side, as a reward for my skills at being a good little sheep in his flock he gave me the big guys you seen in here.

These guys are just plain 'ol pikemen in fancy armor. The only difference, is that these guys came with the popes seal of approval. And they really pack a pike! :D
So, the lesson here is simple, Don't Piss Off The Pope! Other wise he'll send his trusty out of date army 'o pikemen to poke you. ;)