Monday, August 29, 2011

I survived!

I live! Obviously. >>
Wasn't as bad as it could have been, Irene was pretty torn up by the time she got to us. So we got a bunch of rain and even more wind, but thankfully other then the loss of power not much happened for us.

I know of at least four people injured here during the storm, I don't know their names but my thoughts and well wishes go out to them and their families.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oooh, pretty storm. o.o

Whooo, hurricane Irene is coming to get us! :O
While this could pose a lot of problems I prefer not to dwell on gloomy stuff. I do happen to think this is a bad name though. If you've seen the movie Black Hawk Down then you know why. "Irene" was the mission go word. A mission that went to hell in a hand basket faster then you can say "Oh shit". Here's hoping that things don't go to hell here.